
Quote: Juicebox has sexy triceps! Noob prison keys available Thanks to Bitgod, Mariianne, Dat Ghost, Meyer Lansky, venom-shot, Vinnie, Frankie, Nightmare, Hancock, and Bitgod 2.0

Rating: 1,432
Name: [H~I] Graydog Language: English (AU)
Type: Mobster HP: 2,950 / 2,950 [100%]
Gender: Female Battles: 1,057
Level: 59 Crimes: 14,367
Prison (Caught): 115 Forum Posts: 89
Prison (Busts): 12 Money: $17,096
Age: 4,621 days Last Active: 6y 213d 12h 23m
Gang: Houston Stock 2 (member for 331 days) Online:
Land: Large Private Island House: Large Island Mansion
City: Santa Fe Status: -
Referred By: -



Name: Graydog

You know, you don't throw a whole life away just 'cause he's banged up a little. -- Horse Trainer in Seabiscuit Movie

Jemma's Victory Poem

We're sexy, We're cute, We're popular to boot
We have bitchin great hair
Other gangs all love to stare
We're wanted, We're hot
We're everything you're not

Go HI, Go HI, Go Go, Go HI


Kozz adds sexy red highlights to my hair.


Imagine, that somewhere in the middle of Texas
