
Quote: I am thee Quoteless!

Rating: 1,027
Name: ℤΞ☈Θ〆 Language: English (AU)
Type: Banned HP: 25,600 / 25,600 [100%]
Gender: Male Battles: 32,442
Level: 512 Crimes: 72,557
Prison (Caught): 1,050 Forum Posts: 201
Prison (Busts): 4,007 Money: $4,897
Age: 5,468 days Last Active: 9y 140d 15h 13m
Gang: - Online:
Land: Large Private Island House: Large Island Mansion
City: Miami Status: -
Referred By: -



You just gained a level and 100 point dealer points.18 Feb 2013, 9:19am

You just gained a level and 100 point dealer points.17 Apr 2013, 8:42am

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